Launch of the new product eSMART-RS485-interface

In the field of Smart Buildings and intelligent home management, it is necessary to be able to interface building elements with each other using standard communication protocols. Reliable and efficient communication between various devices and sensors is essential to ensure precise and centralized control of equipment. With a view to the continuous development of our…


eSMART aims to promote energy efficiency in the building sector

Energy efficiency and sustainability are at the forefront of contemporary concerns in construction. Limited resources and environmental considerations have prompted the construction industry to seek innovative solutions to reduce energy consumption and minimize the ecological footprint of buildings. In this context, the Minergie standard has become an essential reference for energy-efficient buildings in Switzerland. For…


17 apartments – Albert Smarthouse, Brigue-Glis (VS, CH)

Dans le Valais le projet Albert Smarthouse a été développé. Contrairement aux projets immobiliers normaux, en tant qu’objet SMARTHOUSE, ce projet est étroitement accompagné par des spécialistes de la gestion immobilière. Par rapport aux architectes ou aux maîtres d’ouvrage classiques, le gestionnaire immobilier dispose d’une plus grande expérience dans l’utilisation des biens immobiliers, car il s’occupe…


Jérôme Ramelet speaking at the fmpro event on 28 September 2023

fmpro s’adresse aux spécialistes et aux cadres qui assument une fonction de Facility Manager et de maintenance au sein des entreprises. La mise en réseau régionale et thématique ainsi que l’échange d’expériences font partie des activités les plus importantes de fmpro. Chaque année, fmpro propose plus de 30 événements. L’offre comprend des formats de réseaux libres…


52 apartments – Herculane Residence, Romania

“Duncan Real Estate”, the developer of the “Herculane Residence” project is a joint venture company activating in real estate development sector in Romania for about 15 years, today becoming a landmark in the development and sales of high-end apartments. In the future they intend to develop projects which have a significant added value through: Green…
